Fireside Chat with Josh Peck

Midlife Career Change and Firework Coach, Josh Peck joins host Rachel Schofield for an informative chat on how Josh has developed his coaching business around group coaching, to help his clients build new careers around fulfilment, balance and financial freedom.

Initial chat - key moments:

3.26 - Introduction to Josh

4.33 - Josh explains his pathway into coaching

7.45 - How Josh ended up in the career change space

10.08 - Who Josh’s current clients are

11:26 - How Josh moved into running group coaching programmes

12:49 - Why Josh favours group coaching over 1-2-1

13.38 - Why Josh thinks there’s magic in working with a group

18.14 - How Josh uses Firework in his coaching

19.25 - How Josh runs his group coaching sessions

21.50 - Where Josh finds his clients

23.17 - Why Josh uses his personal Facebook profile

26.49 - How Josh approaches coaching launches and runs his free webinar

31.54 - How Josh’s rolling cohort model works

Audience Q&A - key moments:

34.22 - Why Josh doesn’t use a platform to host his group programme

35.22 - How Josh uses Facebook in his programme 

36.54 - How much time Josh spends nurturing the group

38.18 - The length of Josh’s group programmes and how many people take part

39.32 - Why Josh has used business and sales coaches to develop his business

41.39 - Why Josh invests in training for himself

43.31 - What exercises Josh uses that are most transformational for his clients

45.48 - How Josh works with associate coaches 

47.32 - Whether people on the group programme ever know each other

49.11 - What Josh thinks of using CTI coaching practices versus the structure of Firework 

52.34 - Why Josh doesn’t use LinkedIn

53.27 - Whether Josh charges for his launch webinars

54.18 - What Josh charges for his group programmes and 1-2-1 coaching

55.16 - How Josh feels about increasing his pricing structure to capture his worth

57.30 - Where is the best place to find Josh if you wish to connect

57.47 - What resources Josh would like to share